August 12, 2024

New York Times Spotlights Friends of the Children in Simone Biles Feature

A New York Times feature on Simone Biles today spotlights the World Champion gymnast and youth advocate’s work with Friends of the Children. In the story, “To Become the GOAT, Simone Biles First Had to Be A Turtle,” writer Juliet Macur details how Simone continues to empower youth in the Friends of the Children program to dream big.

The story shares Simone’s experience in foster care from the age of 3 to 6, and how Simone wants youth to know that anything is possible. In the article, Anders Allison, Program Manager and professional mentor at Friends of the Children – Austin, says Simone shares her own story and “makes the kids believe that they could do anything, like she has done.”

Over the years, Simone has worked directly with youth in our program, hosting virtual gymnastics stretching sessions and inviting children to her hometown gym in Spring, Texas. These moments of connection have inspired youth to dream big and have shown them that their circumstances do not define their potential or their ability to reach goals.

The New York Times article references a turtle because it symbolizes for Simone what her mother Nellie has said to her: “Go at your own pace” or “one step at a time.”

Read the article here.